Example: T M C S T B Answer: Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth 1. S S S F 2. A B A T A O S 3. M D G O T 4. A P O C F E Any help would be much appreciated.
Eg. Found in First Aid Kit? Ans: Bandage 1. This age needs a tablet? 2. Reduces profit? 3. Clerics House? 4. Organise or regulate? 5. Feeble minded senility? All answers for the above end in 'age'.
eg. 12 DOJ Answer: 12 Disciples of Jesus 4. 7 T N D I J 5. 50 P I A C 6. 5 S S F T F 7. 10 H O T B 8. 7 C I A Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Eg: High seasoning Answer: Salthill 1. This place belongs to a Royal Insect? 2. He has a brand new place? 3. Rider and Stead? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Example: 2 stiff standers, 2 dilly danders, 2 hookers, 2 snookers & a switchabout. What am I? Answer: A cow 1. Head without hair, teeth without lips, one long leg & no hips. What am I? 2. I am cold to...
Example: 7 d in a w Answer: 7 days in a week Can anyone help me with the following two:- 1. 2 c in a m 2. 7 c on e Your help would be much appreciated.
The answers to these questions are all flowers! 1. Proper Bliss 2. England's emblem is stiff and precise Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you...
Answers are flowers eg. First Spring Flower Answer: Snowdrop Can anyone help me with the following flower 1. Proper Bliss Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks
The following are all films ie. T.K.A.M.B. answer is To Kill a Mocking Bird Can anyone help me with the following:- 2. P.Y.W. 6. D.O.T.C. 7. D.R. 11. B.E. 15. T.I.O.T.S.H. 18. D.O.G.A.T.L.F 19. S.I.S....
Hi All the answers to these questions are the names of shops! For example - The best of both worlds - PC World! 1. Expect more pay less - 7. Let's do it - 21. Big difference little price - Any help...
Hi All the answers to these questions are the names of shops! For example - The best of both worlds - PC World! 1. Expect more pay less 7. Let's do it - 21. Big difference little price - Any help...