1. Have a go at all these clues (4)
2. My name suggests that I break these rules ah (7)
3. Don't walk on this one, unless he's on the ground (5)
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks...
1. Aquatic walf or stray (3,6) 2. She lost her ring in the sand (6) 3. This could make a difference to your teeth (7) 4. An old fashioned weapon of war (4) 5. A spirited fish (4) 6. Surely no one will...
1. Not chewy?
2. Get retrained?
3. Lots of different activities to keep you fit?
4. Two of the armed services?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
eg. minute _______ knife
Ans. steak (minute steak and steak knife)
I'm stuck on this one:-
over _______ top
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
The following line is in the hymn, but I require the first line of the hymn. Any help would be greatly appreciated..... Thanks
1. Ever he loves to bless...
1. Whom Jesus came to save? 2. Ever he loves to bless? 3. I will see his face? The above lines are in the hymn - but I need the first line of each hymn. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
1. Type of trainers? (8 letters)
2. Could be a careless one? (5 letters)
3. The town you were born? (10 letters)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...