4a,After short time I'd returned with small amount(7) M-----M.? 6d,Top dog (5) --I-N? 16a,Vehicle Penny used for fish(4) C-R-? 20d,How neddlewomen bring the brows closer (4) -N-T? 5d,Measure up the... ...
1d,One not yet in the majority(5) C-V--? 9a,Arising from motoring out east(8) --R-V-N-? 4a,Making a low sound in the fields perhaps(6) M-D-C-M? 11d,Bit of cloth fellows found in... ...
9a,animal that is backbone of the dairy industry(5,3) M--C-,COW? 13a,George initially left for part of Wales(5) G-E--? 14d,Its not a short Y by this account(5) --L-Y. 23a,An insect swallowing two... ...
2d,Man to begin going around the bend(6) -T-A-T?
14d,Company car is a hallow(6) C-T-L-?
18d,Drink milk to start with in the pit(4) S-L-?
Any help would be great with above questions....
1a,A strangely risque male will produce an imperial unit of area (6,4) A-U-R-M-L-?
30d,The automaton will nick half the Bible ,initially (5)R-B-T.
Any help would be great with the above ....
9a,Hobo men I upset with French geniality (8) B--H---E? 6d,Computer that can do multiple rapid calculations ,or slang for a bookeeper(6,8) N---E-,C--N-H-R? 4d,Roll using acceleration stopper needed(4)...
1a,The bachelor quietly produces a bakery product (3) B--. ( Is it Bun?) 2d,economical main course suitable for a snooker player? (3,5) --T,-O--T 11a,obtains the inclusion of a cardinal for...
9d,plant a back massage on a wharf(7) -U-DOCK?
23a,in such a cooking style ,bhajisalaways look terrific in starters(5) B-L-I.
Any help would be great...
1d,A priest gets cream at a prearranged meeting(11)A---I--M--T? 2d,Found in legends(8) M---I--L.? 8a,How to make the vet shoot apart all the spuds that have been dug up (6,7) ----T-,-A--E-T?...
11a,after such a fib ,tumble with a cry of pain-its what Field may do between crops (3,6) Lie,-A-L--? 8d,Will feathers somehow master being in the direction of the estuary(10)D---S-R-S-? 20d,part of...
7d,People who follow and set fashion trends :instruments used to set hair (7) ----E--?
12a,Record ;mark or register esp a piece of music (6) N-T---?
Any help with either would be greatly appreciated...
32d,group of beauties bringing everyone various yoghurt starters(4) -E-Y? (Thought it might be BEVY,but don't know where yoghurt starters come into that answer?