8d. Skidded when we got in the sleigh.(6) s?e??? 21d. Nursery ones are busy at this time (6) ???P?? 16d. Santa's less saintly form (5) ?A?A? 30a. Mince-pie man? (8) ????H?R? Brain stuffed with...
9a) Stock market term for an individual who applies for shares with a view to immediately sell them for a profit. 4 letters ??A? 9d) Breed of dog resembling a small Lhasa Apso, also known as a Chinese...
13a) Aquatic plant with tiny flowers genus Elodea (9) Water.... If it is Waterweed, what is 4d) as I have pestel, also 16d) Rube ????; Us cartoonist known for his Heath Robinson like drawings and...
Stuck again! 14a) Remain at a distance (4,3) H?? e?? 13d) Body managing political figure's private capital to prevent conflict. (5,5) ???n? trust 15d) Chinese spiritual exercise and meditation...