I work full time but would like to take on another job where I would work on a self employed basis in the evenings. How do iIgo about this. Do I need to tell my current employer and how do the taxes...
If you study the complete ACCA qualification then can you study the CIMA qualification afterwards aswell? If you can, how much of the CIMA would you be exempt from because you already have an ACCA...
My boss is a bully and she is really upsetting me, there are 2 of us that work here and the girl i work with is a total godess the bosses eyes where i am spawn of the devil. So far...
I am enquiring on behalf of a friend, i have advised her to seek legal advice and i assume she will, but in the meantime, i would be grateful for some AB users advice. My friend had a boy 5 years ago,...