On chatterbank and answerbank etc? Sometimes I sit at my computer in the buff drip-drying after getting out the shower and feel creepy because I imagine all those faces in the ads are looking at me....
My local radio station news said that the Dorset emergency services were doing drills for emergency preparedness in case of large scale casualties and large scale DISPLACEMENT. Can someone please tell...
I have been looking after a friends three rabbits. One of them has developed a small bald patch (around 1/2 inch) on the side of her face. Next day there was another on her nose but this was swollen....
Imagine that the universe consisted of just our galaxy for example. It would give us enough interest to explore it knowing there was nothing else to find out about. If this was the case, would you...
If you were going to buy a guitar that you wanted to keep forever, what would it be, or does the type of music you play make a difference to the answer? I played a gibson, beautiful sound, lovely...
Was talking to my sis, she knows how to make beady bracelets. I just thought, could i turn this into a small business of making and selling bracelets ? Is there a way to start ?
I`ve just realised something .......to-day has been our 45th wedding anniversary and I forgot it.....ouch.....she didn`t tho, thrust a card under my nose she did. It`s gonna cost me, I know it. Any...
Is this really the effect that illegal substances have? I is quite a frightening thought.
I wonder if it is safe to give the kitties their catnip.