Cannot find this answer. Please does anyone know the name of a "hardy north american breed of saddle horse, typically white or grey with dark leopard-like spots"? I have A - - A - O - SA. Thanks a...
32a Low growing purple flowered eurasian plant of the stonecrop family, Sedum telephium, (5) O-P-N Orpine is noted as a sedum variety but not seen anything else to match.
1 across coal delivery taken up to the roof c?p??? 9 down heard delay had importance ???g?? 16 down a lion wandered behind pub belonging to peer ???o?i?? 17 down deterioration to end a time out...
hi everyone I am stuck on two this week. 1a italian musical direction: (to be played very fast) 6 letters: a??s?o 35d thick brown salty paste made from femented soya beans, used in Japanese cookery...
this is my last one 9 down radioactive transuranic element produced by high-energy ion bombardment of lead; formerly called unniloctium and hahnium 7 letters: ?a?s??m ( I have come up with caesium and...
Stuck on four today - your help is much appreciated 7d French statesman formerly minister of the budget (1993-5) and minister of the interior (2002-04 - 2005-07) N?C?L?S ??R?OZ? 11a Sweet colourless...