When I went to delete a programme on control panel, it keeps saying 'wait till the other programme has deleted first, and try again', which I haven't tried to delete any other one????
I was out this morning, and the postman couldn't get the package through the letter box, so left a card to say, I can pick it up from the main p/o on Tuesday, or have it delivered again, on Tuesday....
Maybe its because I dont live in a mixed multi-culture area, I think I would find it difficult to go to a Council Housing Office, and have to give my personal details, to someone who may not have been...
the worst cooking programmes on TV, and now I see another one has started. If you dont peel & chop that Garlic properly, you are out of the first round. (and so was I) How pathetic, and that, what's...
I have a carer. She is part time, works 20/25 hours a week, as she goes to college. When she joined the Care Company, she did a 3 day course, mainly on a computer in their office, then did 3 days with...
What an eye-opener for the first of 3 instalments. Pity we, and other Country's couldn't take some of their ideas, in looking after their Country, regarding the environment, they have hospitals for...
screen and cursor keeps freezing, and panel keeps coming up saying, sorry about this, close or wait.
Is there another browser that's as good pleases?...
..so many problems in the USA? I have read in the past, they use three different drugs, to end the prisoners life, one after another, yet as mentioned in the link, he convulsed for 20 seconds. I am...
I use it it regularly everyday, for keeping in touch with family & friends, forums where I live, and lived, political & topical news groups, and a game & puzzles etc. Cant remember exact words that...
I have somehow clicked on something in the Add Block section, and now I am getting adverts on every site I go on/ Could somebody tell me what should be ticked, or unticked, as I have tried both, but...
I have just watched a Doc I recorded, called, ''Man Made Planet, Earth from Space Ch4. What an eye-opener, and very frightening for the future of our children's children, children. It dosent just tell...
I have about 30 photos I want too send by hot-mail, but even when I try to send one, its says its to big, or something like that.
Is there a programme or another way of sending them please....
I couldn't understand a word that the Irish bloke from Mrs Browns was saying, so I used the sub-titles, but they couldn't keep up with his fast talking....
the best value for money. I buy quite a few, as I have a lot of gadgets, and usually buy Duracell from Amazon, as they are pretty cheap, but a friend swears by a brand I have never heard of, and they...