announcing/advertising large discounts for goods, when in fact its not true. Yesterday while shopping on-line with Groupon, there was a home indoor security camera that you can check from your Iphone...
Little Wally and Jenny are only 10 years old, but they know they are in love. One day they decide that they want to get married, so Wally goes to Jenny's father to ask him for her hand. Wally bravely...
the health & safety so called experts go? On 'Rip off Britain' today on BBC1, they did tests/experiments in a lab to see how many germs, parasites, bugs etc you carry around in your bag for life. As...
I have a seen this game on sale, and I think I used to play it years ago with just the mouse. There is this one and another which is for xbox, so any help please as its a great game....
lots of deals and offers, if you are interested.
I know people say on here that they don't watch it, or its rubbish, so can we have a section for those who do enjoy it for the next 3 weeks?
What a nice change from the usual crap we get on TV theses days. I thought last nights episode was much funnier than last week, and some of the things they came out with were hilarious. The little...
I know its 2 years old, but its so funny.
I thought an inebriated Danny Dyer made a complete prick of himself last night, trying to give the impression he is jack the lad of cockneys, and his kids must be so proud of his bad language. I felt...
I thought it was a good laugh, and non stop silliness for an hour, which made a change.
Could have done without Steve Coogan, who brought nothing to the show IMO, and not at all funny....