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Thank you, my love. Time to go now. Take care, sweet dreams and ttfn from your old gal ♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thread closed, folks....
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... if the people who own them are like this 20 year old? http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/10457345.Woman_rescued_from_tree_after_GPS_cache_search/...
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Following on from baza's thread yesterday, care to guess? I am looking forward to it. Haven't done it since I was a teenager. A male friend of a good friend is going to show me how. We will be doing...
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For any fan of Tony Hancock (available until next Monday) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018rbkl...
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# Geddawayman, ye look a reet clip # Me heed's proppa knackin man # Divint cum awa aal hoyty toyty # Nee mair puddin' pet, ahm stottin' Any good?...
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Have a super day, my little bug whiskers ♥ Want your pressie now? Mind the BP ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLLXUaqZxg...
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It won't stop the apes posting on forums ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-22283117...
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313036/The-250MILLION-home-London-house-set-UKs-expensive-property-sold-sale.html £250,000,000 and there are no photos of the inside other than archived b&w...
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Just a gentle reminder that tomorrow is in need of a logo change please for St George's Day. Ta muchly ;)
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Young colleague left my workplace today. He is very bright, great personality. He emigrates to Oz in 2 weeks. He was in a fine mood - suddenly it was 1st April, all over... Little sod (he is 6' 4"...
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She is Ellie Coles :) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2310999/Dancing-queen-caught-camera-bopping-bus-stop-listening-music-headphones-internet-hit.html...
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A follow on from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw&NR=1&feature=endscreen...
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if Lottie is ok? She hasn't been on her for over a month.
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Stop stalking me - crosswords is a serious topic ROFL ♥...
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gets away with it the most? A strong contender, imo http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/members/moonraker558/ God loves a trier LOL ♥...
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Anyone else remember this series which ran for some 15 years? I have just listened to an episode on Radio4 Extra - Comedy Controller, hosted by Roy Plomley with the original team: Eleanor Somerfield,...
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I can't stand the tension tonight and need to go to bed, so I shall miss your night night thread. Perhaps you would play this for me? I think Moony would like it. He would probably like the music too...
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Jeremy Vine had a caller on his 'Beatles Day' radio show yesterday (Maureen of Worthing, actually) who had phoned in to say she was married in '62, still a virgin in '64. She and her husband were...
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I have seasoned my skillet, how many can you manage? Sugar, lemon or syrup? I could flip for you ;) (and I probably will if you don't put a ruddy clean vest on!) ♥...
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