This might sound really pathetic and silly. I know i'm going to make a right fool out of myself here, but guys, is it natural to have a slight crush on your sister in law ? I'm single by the way.
Wagon Wheels seem to me to be smaller than when I was a child back in the fifties. Are they? Or is it an illusion because I was smaller then? Or did they go metric at some point and get downsized to...
Can anyone explain why it is possible to still pick out individual voices in a crowded room? Why don't the sound waves from the different people interfer with each other and cause distortion
My question is more for ex-insurance agents in the uk but would appreciate answer from anyone who knows, question.... Can a person get say , third party insurance for themselves." Without owning a...
I always used to love those soups that came in a small cardboard box, I think they might have been Knorr, there was a country vegetable one I think. They all seem to have disappeared from the...
Hi all, I had to change my car battery and my radio is now asking for a code. It is a Ford radio in a Ford fiesta. Serial code: T M454583. Any help please???? Thanks!