I have completed the crossword with the exception of 38 ac.
'Replace kid for each son getting taken in'
I have S _ P _R_ E_E
and assume it must be supersede = replace but cannot understand why...
Has anyone else noticed the extraordinary success rate of this solver in winning prizes? I'm fairly sure that this week's runner-up in the Spectator must be about his/her 4th or 5th mention this year,...
Can anybody throw light on this painting? Who is it by? What is it called? Where can it be viewed? Current issue of Private Eye, 30th September to 13th of October front cover.
An enjoyable puzzle, but nothing too challenging. Strange that no clue for 4a, at least not in my version. Anyway all worked out fine in the end. Thanks Parsnip
Bogged down in top right corner-help appreciated. 2d.Endless confusion? Interfere no longer(5)MED??. 14ac.Cloak given to god or goddess(6)P??L??. The 3rd letter of 14ac is the same as the 4th.of...
Winning, it seems, is not so great! Have had my name in the Independent and the Spectator, but no prizes are forthcoming! It's been 10 weeks for a first prize in the Spectator, and the Independent...
Any help on these last two gratefully received! 1d) Filling in made me leave debate (6) D?m?l? (want this to de "dimple" but can't work out why) 13a) Become monarch breaking a habit (5)...
2d) Gang space is rough isn't it? (4-2-3) ???? ?? P?? 1d) Filling in made me leave debate (6) No letters for one down, sorry. Just can't get started today. Any help much appreciated, as usual :-))...
Please don't send hate mail, but Sunday Telegraph "Enigmatic Variations 976", and Sunday Times "Mephisto 2656" prizes won in the same week is a bit rich even for me! Apologies to...
There's a definite error on the online version. 22Ac & 20Dn. The latter is a thematic answer (See 9Ac, 11Ac, 23Ac, 3Dn) 22Ac an Americanisme for toilet inside a 4 letter word for joints. 20Dn CORE...
20d 9's heart lifted , I gathered, over 7's opener. (9 is Beethoven, 7 is Albion) E?I??? EROICA would fit the clue but not my letters - the "I" came from 22a John breaking joints, back for...