29 across Name of rivers flowing into Jura Sound, Loch Spelve, Mull or Ardnacross Bay, Kintyre (5) L?S?A
5 across Lochgellys, for example (6) ?T?A?S
Any help appreciated....
17a become abnormally thin (8) ------t- 22a ragtime dance (6) ----m- 29a chris rugby player (8) ----h-l- 12d month of the year (8) ---e---r 13d child's string game (4,6) ----/---d-e 14d quality sound...
12 Across - Reconnoitre (5,5) ?c??? ?????
14 Across - Toyota car model (6) ?o?????
13 Across - Without equal (12) ????????a?able
21 Across - Give up (4,2,1,3) ???? i? a ?a?...