One last try as it needs to be sent ASAP !!!! All answers have a colour in them. 35 Propose before meeting we hear (1 word) 39 Wind up with vitamin C (3 words) Would be so grateful for any help,...
Please can you help me with the last 3? Film 31 T D C (D is the item of clothing) Songs 62 T S by M (S IS ITEM OF CLOTHING) 70 H H S by J L L (S IS THE ITEM OF CLOTHING)
Can anyone help me with No.32 - Which King was played by Danny Kaye in a 1956 film musical? and No. 65 This retired sporting legend, had 91 professional wins, has been gravely ill .... BJ
Every answer consists of or includes a colour 6. Set fire to headless river (2) 9.Linen made crudely? (1) 14. Red mill in france (2) 19.Sea Soldier pushes boundary! (1) 27.High up in the mersey fleet?...
1. old fairground ride 2 take slang for a person but turn the last letter upside down 3 sounds like it is correct and alive................... thanks a lot for trying
Just need one to finish this quiz, have googled & looked through books but cannot find it. 49 I I B Don't know what others think of this quiz, I think it will be difficult getting the answes in such a...
Have several of these to work out yet so would be pleased with any help.Obviously all include a colour. 1 Unsmoked bacon joint - not unusual (2 words) 10 Is it wise to value this (2 words) 15 Glove...
this is a very sad time for me as at 6 oclock tonight im going to the vets to have my 20 year od cat put to sleep, he has well used his 9 nine lives and has been an amazing white perfect nuisance....
1. it's the real mccoy 2. I could replace this one 3. this ensured a man a lustrous coiffure 4. long road through Asia 5. boxers might hit this 6. a louisiana valley
grateful for any help........1) shuffle a gridiron 2)remove a point and a note from a piano 3) to bequeath, scramble point 4) this is a black and white cat.........thanks for trying
Crossword addicts should be used to such setbacks, (9), ???e?s?l? Tell people you've had enough then keep quiet, (3,2,4) ?a? ?? t??? Squander food, (7), ???t???
Whats the connection eg. Marble(5)=Arch or Boston(3.5)=Tea Party 18 Millennium(5) Scottish Castles 24 A lovely French stronghold 26 Sounds like a plant is male Place Names (anagrams) 3 AEIOGGLR 6...