I'm being deluged with emails offering me services of a sexual nature that I have no wish to take up - at 79 I'm way past my sell-by date even if I'd ever been interested, which is certainly not the...
Good morning everyone - rather warm down my way today, and it’s going to stick around for a while ….if it stays around the mid 30s I can manage, but once it gets to 40 I’m finished …oh well, it is...
Here are today’s shaded clues for you - 21a. Colour named after the dianthus, a flower used by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet to symbolise the epitome of perfection (4) 36a. A pomaceous orchard fruit...
Good morning everyone - quite warm here today, going to get warmer they say, we might actually get some Summer this year ….one minute we’ve got wet and windy, next it’s going to be hot and dry….oh...
I phoned L&V Friday to buy house insurance. I did so because I am already a customer at this house and thought that it would be simpler if I took their insurance out at my next house. I am considering...
Here are today’s shaded clues for you - 20a. A hot beverage synonymous with sympathy etc (3) 32a. Crystalline substance such as fleur de sel, a pink Himalayan variety etc. (4) 36a. Aromatic spice...
Well, that’s another year out of the way then, so let’s start all over again with Week 1: A typical middling score from me for the main quiz, with FOUR out of ten:...
Good morning everyone - heading for another lovely warm weekend, sunshine a slight breeze, warmer tomorrow, a good night for partying tonight which I won’t be doing ….too old for that sort of thing....
It can't get much better than this. I'm sitting in a nice, comfy armchair, with three happy and healthy cats nearby, with Cèilidh na Bliadhn' Ùire on the telly and a glass of decent port in my hand....
I regret to inform you that my sister, who you know as 'Emmie' passed away on 26th December. she asked for the announcement to be made on this forum, but unfortunately did not leave details of her...
Have you had enough turkey/mince pies/stollen/booze yet? Here's part three of Aunty Beeb's big quiz: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-64025788 I managed a 'decent enough' (in my opinion) score of...
Here's the second part of Aunty Beeb's big annual quiz: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-63935331 I got a better score with this bit than I did in the first part, with NINE out of thirteen. (I suspect...
Good morning everyone - and all the very best of Christmas wishes to all the KM family …..have a wonderful festive season and may Santa bring everything you wished for. Now for the links ….lots to go...
Emmie is back in hospital having broken her femur , she is very upset and sounding depressed ,she in the UCLH , I asked her permission before posting this, a terrible thing for her to be going through...
Good evening to one and all. There’s no Quiz of the Week from Aunty Beeb this week, due to the start of the big annual quiz. (See below). There’s no kids’ Newsround quiz either this week :( The Timed...
Here are today’s shaded clues for you - 14a. Water in it’s frozen crystal- like state, etc. (3) 16a. Emulated in ornamental glass globes, cold niveous precipitation forming blankets of crystals etc...
Good morning everyone - a beautiful weekend here, really looking forward to being outside in the sunshine …..around 28d for a couple of days then it’s going to cool down for the Christmas weekend...
Good evening, everyone. Mince pies seem to have boosted my brain power a bit, enabling me to start off this week’s session with a score of SIX out of seven in the main quiz:...
Here are today’s shaded clues for you - 13a. A factory - farm - ship - or stable - worker, a pledge of marriage, etc or a round of applause. (4) 17a. Word originally for a rope/strand of any...