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I have 2 cryptic drinks to solve. 
1. You,why,the in Paris (7) 2. This is a red iron pot in ground (5 4) Thanks in advance 
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Busy outskirts beside the German city
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Name game singer 
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...Salman Rushdie? I've missed any reports if there's already been a trail.
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Looking down on everyone most importantly 5/3 letters  Finishing a sentence is one way to get out of it 6 letters thanks      .
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About my feet  - my friend told me about wonderful shoes she got called JOYA - she did buy them in Northern Ireland and so was able to try them on - shop has now closed. How can anybody try them... ...
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Finger movement on small flower (4) b?c?.Thanks
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Couple of clues I am stuck on if anyone can help. 9 18 21, or 24 of these    7 letters Hides a golden ticket      19 and 3 letters Answers are a type of food and punctuation marks are included in... ...
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I find it easy to drink a litre of sparkling water each day.  I wouldn't find tap water so palatable. Any thoughts?
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All answers to this quiz are mens names
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4a Fork out, pledge B???K???E 9a Smaller geographical divisions  T???L?O?? 12a Urban administrative  divisions ???O???S 20a Administrative division  ?E???????T 23 Large administrative division ... ...
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2d in the farrier stakes, how might  unbeaten favourite, sizzling smith, be at the betting?(3-3)???-h?t 8a be specific... if pre 07 twas a clarion call for a concert here (4,2,3,5)?o??,to... ...
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Had a text out of the blue from EE this morning saying that your landline has just gone digital and needs to be plugged into the green socket at the back of your broadband router, otherwise it... ...
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Many years ago for me, I make my own chips but they are nothing like real deep fried chips.  I miss them, but I can't say I miss the greasy pan full of fat, or the smell. My mother's chip pan was... ...
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1) Warwickshire river 5 letters 2) Go on and on about something 5 letters 6) herb 6 letters 31) Sounds like Henry has a girlfriend 7 letters 32) Red. Change M for B 7 letters
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Whats the oldest piece of furniture or item in your house. I have a victorian metal plant stand about 3 feet high that I found in a out house about 20years ago. With surface rust on it I had it... ...
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My son is selling downsizing, and moving in to a smaller house.  He will be moving out of his house and downsizing on the same day.  He knows he has to pay stamp duty.  However he also owns... ...
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Crosaire. 13a. Best find alien tangled in deceit(5) ?l???
Thank you.
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17d Send back crowd actor with crash diet . A?t?a?i?e. Actualise fits and means "Represent or describe realistically" but I can't see how that fits clue or if it is correct, how clue works...

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