Answers are names of flowers both common and botanical. Thank you for any help 1- got up 2- the French sales woman 3- a very quick water supply 4-sounds like mix 6- is this one a music maker 7-...
1. from what country does the skoda motor car originate? 2. which gas smells like rotten eggs? 3. who made the first successful balloon flight flying 9m across paris? 4. the frontal lobe is in which...
all answers are flowers 1 = parter less dancer? 5= 17th century maina? 10 = musical instrument / glass bead? 12 = coloured measurement? 60's pop groups numbers in () are letters in each word t h...
where they share the same initials the number of letters in eash word is shown in () 1 = m.b 2 = t.s (3,9) 3 = t.s (3,7) 4= s.d.g 5 = b.k 6 = t.h (3,7) 7 = t .r.b 8 = t.e 9 = t.m.f 10 = t.i.l 11 =...
1= 2 f on a ddb? 2= 3 c on a t l ? 3 = 7 b for 7 b ? 4 = 7 s on a f p p ? 5 = 13 s on the a f ? 6 = 21 s on a g c ? 7 = 21 s on a d ? 8 = 27 e t t t t t ? 9 = 76 t in the b p ?