There used to be a late-night show on Radio 3 or Radio 4 in the 70s which featured a range of different music: rock, jazz, world etc
Does anyone remember what it was called or who presented it?...
4d theatricul cuts made by odd coves around publishing house 8 coup???? 20a brightly coloured fish left inside, damn 8 ????onet 25a assassin caught in house of his country 5 ?asca many thanks e...
I have been sent some ditloids by my father-in-law who is convinced I cannot complete them (he's right, but don't tell him!) I have 5 I cannot manage alone. Please help! F P O W I 32 D F N B T I 37 D...
I saw an article on a british artist/photographer who had taken photos of herself suspended in her studio, then digitally removed the supports. Does anyone know her name, and if you can order prints...
Can anyone tell me the name of this film. It's recent(last year maybe) - American teen film where the nerdy girl in the class is humiliated at a party and then killed. Next day she walks into the...
Can anyone give me the answers to last week's Speedy crossword please? 5 down Boneheaded and 9 across Scuttle. I haven't been able to buy the Observer today to check the answers. Thank you.
1/ not too badly, when up to it physically (4.6) -e--/-----h 2/ watch and he'll do it again (8) -e---t-- 3/ having detected one's weak point nagged about it (5.5) f----/-a--- 4/ behaved oneself when...
I watched an old b&w film years ago that really gave me the creeps. From what I can remember It didn't have much of a cast, and the central theme seemed to be that this man got 'stuck' in his house....
Some ten or twelve years ago a book was published that had two parts. The first part was the description of passengers in a number of different carriages of a train. The second part was in the form of...
I have Victoria for 42 winner in this place still not sure about 13 Java has been suggested clue was she belongs to me dropped aitches I can`t see why any one got 7 100concerning golf aid i have put...