As per usual stuck on the last 2. Help! 7d) 17th-century English poet whose works included To His Coy Misstress (6,7) and 35a) Port in Panama, at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal? Thanks in...
Stuck on the last two answers 28d)Any of various grasses of Southern Europe and North Africa that yeild a fibre used to make ropes, mats, etc, 7 letters and 29d) The government, juridiction or...
stuck on last three help! 17d) Egghead with film extracts eastern head of school overshadows? 23a) Interior parts of pubs divided by a road? 27a) Small page in this place with ball? (thought it might...
stuck on the following! 20d, 59d,62a, 68a & 73a. can anyone help? I think I've started on this one too late in the evening. Braindead! Thanks in advance & a Happy New Year to all.xx