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24a) Man's place to hit back certainly (6) R?M?E?
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GK Fanatic
11a individual style  I?I?? 5d the wide sleeve  ?O???N Thanks
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GK Fanatic
32d Clock, watch etc I think some of my letters may be wrong?T?E?K???S? Thanks in anticipation, I've been out all day and doing pretty well but just one or two are baffling me.
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GK Fanatic
35a To journey by ox-wagon........ 4 letters????
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13a City on the river Moselle  T_I_R 7d An absolute, especially tyrannical leader  D_C_L_ _R thanks. any help appreciated
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6d Flattened appendage on underside of some fish used mainly for balance and steering 7,5  v-n-r-l  -i- I am assuming fin is second word but what do I know!!??
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What is the measure of dry goods equivalent to two gallons? thanks.
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Old withered prophet speaking (4) _ e_e Sound of river taking a bit of a fork here (4) t_n_
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31a Old world shorebird -R-T-N-O-E
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This has got me: 24a Man's place to hit back certainly R _ M _ E _ Thanks, Susan
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11 across well known noel coward comedy (9) c-v--c--e 21 across name given to a decrotive fastening looped braid once used on military uniforms (4) -r-g 34a in music an accompaniment forming an...
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Stuck on 17d Having no concern in the dark (7)D???A?E
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Can you help? Made fun of, teased or Fooled theologian in mixed type of school same answer (6) C?d?e? Many thanks  
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Any ideas for these dingbats? 1) Sag 2) 123Go + X
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15d slow bike down and make a u turn (9) - - - - - - d-l 19d protracted distance on last day ----t-y 14a mountain-dweller greek character can go round t---t-n Any help for me?
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Cold yellow and fluffy from an italian city (9.7) Mickey's rival light and frothy (7.11) No flies on this french lady (4.2.6) No 'lady' in san gimignano? (6.4)
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Rearrange the letters to spell out the name of somewhere you might live or stay( 7,4) a,c,a,r,k,n,p,n,a,h,a Thanks
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Just bringing this to the top as only 3 days to go! Any help appreciated.  All the clues below are places in the British Isles. I've got answers for some of them, but can't find the place on a...
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Does anyone know:  Dog who is a character in a Shakespeare play (4)
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Can you help?   When I get a lot of land (4) ???a Strange luck, finding a messenger (5) A???l Wild deer unknown to be thin (5) R?e?y Notes building started, then stopped (7) ??o?k?d Informed...

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