I have just received my entry for the Tube Quiz and was disappointed to have made a couple of errors, namely: 24. No meal ought on any account to include this. I put BURNT OAK 75. Historian heads...
55.author of casablanca not seen in any gin joint? am I up the right tree thinking of the film? the name I have doesn't fit the title of the round. 7. who was steve's chess opponent in 1968 and who...
Looking for pairs to fit alphabetically before Health and Safety -
H??? & O????
also between Heart & Soul and Hereford & Worcester -
H???? & S?????
Thanks for any help...
are they worth the hassle ? ive just signed up and do not fully understand yet.
what are the tips and tricks and potential savings based on me spending say £70 per week in tesco.
Is this possibly the daftest story they've ever done?? One minute she is laying 'dead' on the cellar floor, then Vincent buries her . Then the next thing is she turns up dazed on a stretcher in a...
From Capel le Ferne Village hall. 50 questions with Last or Final in the answer.
Closing date February 16.. £1 + SAE. From Cherry Leppard 29 Albany Road, Capel le Ferne, Folkestone Kent. CT18 7LH...
is anyone doing this quiz, I am stuck on quite a few
namely picture no 4,22,35 and 38
any help or hints would be appreciated
thank you in anticipation