heard a clip of an oldie the other day and am dying to find it but dont know the name of the song or the artist. The lyrics i have go hey hey whoa oh oh oh oh hey hey whoa oh oh oh oh hey hey not much...
As a lover of a good weepy I was wondering what films turned other ABers into snivelling wrecks? I have loads including the old favourites like ET!! My most recent one is Brokeback Mountain which was...
Does anyone know the title of the song that is to do with 9/11. It is basically a woman singing "Heaven" by Bryan Adams, but it has a little kid reading a letter to her father over the top. Very...
Anyone else remember 'The Boy From Space'. It was a 70's schools TV programme and scared me sensless. There was a boy from space and another spaceman who kept turning up. They wore light blue uniforms...
if you commite an a offence and have been charged with serious asault but this happened when u where 16 years old who long does it stay on your record?When it does clear can i join the police force?