My friend witnessed her boyfriend assault someone. She gave a statement and has been told that she will have to go to court as a witness for the prosecution. He has subsequently been charged with ABH...
Have been seeing my boyfriend for a year, we live together now. He doesn't treat me particularly well, and I can't bring myself to do anything about it. Evidence: Messages found on his phone from...
If someone has made a witness statement and the case is to be heard at Crown Court, can they withdraw it before the trial date? If so how is this done, and what are the implications if any?
My partner is being tried in Crown Court for Assault. I have been called as a witness but do not wish to testify against him. If I do not appear is there anything that the police can do?
My partner has not lived with his ex for over 4 years but she has just informed him that the police have been to her property this morning with a warrant for his arrest. He can't think of anything...