WHO... 1. Hit the white post 150 yards away with the ball? 2. Scored 97% in the exam? 3. Was the 1st to captain, coach and manage the England cricket XI? WHO SAID 4. The Swazis despise sheep 5. The... ...
what links 3. John & Jack & Jim? 4. Mohammed Ali & John Lennon & Boris Pasternak? 6. Margaret Thatcher & Mel Gibson? 24. Buddy Rich & Nigel Mansell & Sharon Stone? Who said 1. The Swazis despise... ...
rhyming answers 8a. as a heater did not impress (4,3,4) b. connects imagine dragons & chris cleave (4) 14a. all things considered, may be done slowly or quickly (2,3,4) b. wealthy, powerful business... ...
celebrities past and present 1. open and honest? that's this TV fictional butler 2. one high street sausage roll provider, a boring thing to be in Mappa Mundi city (minus an e) greg ? 3. barrie's... ...
12.green and 23. & (on top of) D (on the left side) and reading downwards on right side B LICK LICK LICK M 27. wholemeal granary white brown malted (on the top) OOOOOOOOOOO (on the bottom) 32. Mr ... ...
can anyone help with these 2 please 1. she flew on the supersonic plane, concorde's, last ever commercial flight to london (6,7) 2. born with a limp he and his 15 friends are rescued by Amy (4) thank... ...
Can anyone help me please, i am doing a cryptic clue quiz where all answers end with SHIP. There are 50 questions but i have mislaid where and when this quiz has to be in for. Is there anyone one... ...
Answers are Artropods 30. Romeo is replaced by Juliet in someone who helps with the ropes, booms hoists etc in a theatre (6) 60. This long limbed one really does reap his rewards (10) I've put... ...
Any help or clues to these dingbats 1. capital D with the letters CHRISTK written inside the D 2. Bauk 3.bells solstice written in a circle with the word 'out' in the center Thanks