9a the state of being female w - m - n - o - - 10a pushy board game s - - - - / - - - - - - - - - 14a weighed down , burdened o - - - l - - - - - 2oa shoots up in price - - - - - - - - - - 22a 3...
thought id finished, but not yet. 19a pans enemy delighted with this connection[ hyphenated] 3d. south american practice requires turn over for the savouty item {2 words} 8d so curtail poor maker of...
29 a day in roman calender N?N?S
30a meeting leaders C?A?R?E?
27d small ornement case Y?C?E?
46 d analise ( something ) in minute detail D?S?L?T
Thanks in advance...
am i the only one having problems with this puzzle?
9a bust 3,2,10 OUT/??/???M?S?ION
10a having the end removed T?U????ED
3d wanting D?????N?T
4d wore S?????S (thats if 12a is tidingS...
1a. They help people grow better (5,7) G????-?I???R? 6d. Schemes put forward for places (12) ???P???????? 21a. Pieces of expertise guarded by private industry (5,7) ?R?D?-??C???? 4d. A charity worth...
Help please. The answers can be eaten. a) Glorious Garment b)Male-Depart and c) An easy Take
This answer is a station on the London underground a) How the hedgehog was found. Many thanks....
hi need help with a few please, all answers are duos or pairs with 'and ' in the middle 1.body snatchers and murderers (5,4) 2.rent free residents granted by the sovereign (5,6) 3.folk rock singers...
hi all are places in great britain 35 a piece of land belonging to the duke of cornwell(12) 45 envious after she won "strictly come dancing"(9 5) 52 polish airline reversed into small pool...