10 across. Night flyer starts manoeuvres over the houses. (4) _ A _ H (all I can think of is BATH but can't see why that would be right). 8 across. Journalist is after pad that's protected (9) _ U _ H...
Not doing at all well, ..8a-journalist is after pad that's protected ..???h?o?e?
...15a-high region to cover with gold...?l?t?a?
Many thanks in advance...
I am currently struggling with this cryptic crossword if anyone can help me 15D Draught that makes one go right off (9) (S _ P _ R _ _ _ _ ) 24D Manure produced by sea fowl (5) (G - - - - ) 26A Refuse...
1. Bureaucracy\'s advice about bug. RED TAPE I presume. Why \"advice about bug\"? 2. Blooming Teddy boy dance by Prince - a rare heavenly sight! H*L* B*** HALF something? 3. Cake decorator...
q1an ecological percussion instrument(5,10)q2his father reads sermons(3,2,1,8,3)q3when the bird gets the worm(5,2,3,7)q4a request for direction in costa rica(2,3,4,3,3,2,3,4)q5liberated sweet...
cryptic clues - please help i am useless 1. following co, we go round cringing (8) 1. some bach or a lied is sung (6) 12. surrounded by crushed mango (5) 7. computer key in room alongside drinking...
6d how gods lied in order to shift - i - l - d - e
17d crafty deft clue i adapted - e - e - t - u -
23d ancestral trees - - d - r -
22a such courage can never be revealed - - - v -...
Two left & stumped. 2dn Answer needed as puzzle's not completed on time (5) R?B?T 41dn No private money given to Panama, say (5,3) ?R?S? Hat Dress Hat? But why?
Hi does any body know who sang riders in the sky i think it was released early sixties my searches lead me to jonny cash, i\'m quite sure he did the same song but not the original singer. Stan Joes...