7d bend, curve T?O?T (if 19a is revolt - clue is repel or could it be resist - that would make 7d twist) 54a Two-time F1 champion - ?I? C?A?L 115d Alluring woman? ?A?P Any help greatly appreciated....
Good afternoon everyone. Just having a look to see if there was anyone there and I found a post from a prospective new member of the N & Cing club dr b has already extended a welcome, which I endorse,...
Greetings to all EV N & Cers. Raich has given us a gentle workout this week (and is also the composer of yesterday's equally benign Listener). Just a couple of comments: firstly, I wish I had taken...
Went to post this weeks EV and failed to understand the coding for closing date and title.( MMMMM DD and EV XXX). Someone more intelligent than I am must surely know the answer. Any hint gratefully...
Don't normally get totally floored with e. variations, but failed completely to complete the unclued not real words part. Managed the basic theme. Too late for posting now, but intrigued as to what...
Must be the clocks changing, but I am totally at sea with this one. Cannot see the connections, though I have most of the answers. Any small hint would be greatly received.