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Sunday.We had a good day on the canal yesterday. a steady stream of visitors, one couple from Canada! They were interested in the restoration we are doing and joined the Trust. I'm down there again...
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Saturday. I'm on the canal today, so I want a day like yesterday, warm and sunny. No rain according to the weather forecast. We shall see. Anyone doing anything interesting?...
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Friday. Frost outside this morning. I hope it warms up quickly. A lot of running around to do today, so I'll be out for most of it...unless I change my mind of course! :o} Have a happy day everyone....
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Thursday. Not raining at the moment. According to the weather app on my wee kindle, it's going to stay dry today! A rain on Lidl is the adventure for today. After that it's domesticity, might even be...
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Tuesday. Rather mild out at 7C. Yer wee man on the idiot box is saying rain later. Situation normal. A bit of running round to do, so I hope it stays dry. Nothing else to report, so have a happy day...
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Tuesday. The sky is clear! I hope the sun is going to shine and it's a warm day. I have to go and see the gorgeous one this morning. :o} After that the usual running around. After that, no idea! A...
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Monday. It's not raining at the moment. No doubt it will! I'm out to lunch today and being chauffeured. :o} Where we are going I have no idea, I've only been told to be ready at 1300. A wee bit of...
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Sunday. I thought it was 0615, it wasn't, it was 0330. Wide awake, so not worth going back to bed. I'll have to start waking up before lunchtime! It's not raining at the moment. I hope it stays that...
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Saturday. Just had a wee peep out, it's raining. Ain't that a surprise...not! Oh well, boat wet weather gear when I go out. The Ireland rugby match has been put off. I don't know about the others yet....
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Thursday. It's raining. Yesterday afternoon was quite warm and dry. I think we are in for rain for the rest of the week at least. I hope I'm wrong! I have to go out, but I will be back as quickly as...
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Wednesday. it's all quiet outside. About time too! Still more shoplifting to do today. That's it really, so it's see what the day is like then decide. Have a happy day everyone....
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It's not raining! All is tranquil outside. Mega shoplifting today then! I never got outside at all yesterday. got a lot done inside though! So nothing to talk about this morning. Have a happy day...
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Monday. Just looked out, It's calm and not raining at the moment. Ireland tripped over themselves yesterday, didn't play well enough. Roll on next week! :o} Just looked out, not raining! Long may it...
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Sunday. After a calm day yesterday the wind is back. I don't know yet if it's raining. Yer wee man on the idiot box is telling us it's about to. Tomorrow is going to be mucky. Roll on summer! Some...
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Saturday. It's raining and blowing an ooligan...Again.I'm fed up with this weather. No sign of it stopping any time soon either. I wonder if the rugby will go ahead with this strong wind. More...
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Friday. It's dry outside! I doubt it will stay at way however. A good night's sleep for a welcome change. I could get used to that! Not much running around to do today, but that has a habit of...
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Thursday. It's raining! now ain't that a surprise...not! I went to bed tired, got off to sleep about 2300 OK, two hours later, wide awake. Doesn't make sense does it! Got to to the Vale hospital in...
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Wednesday. I haven't looked out yet, but it's quiet, that's a good sign! Some local running around to do today, I hope it stays dry, I got soaked yesterday. Never mind, it'll soon be summer. Have a...
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Monday. It's much calmer outside at the moment. Long may it last. According to the weather app on my wee Kindle, Just a spot of rain about 1000. That'll have to do. I've got to put the bins back...
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Sunday. It's calm and peaceful outside, but I don't think it's going to last however. As long as it's still like this when I go shopping, Tesco and Lidl today. Before that I've got to clear up the...

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