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Monday. A wee bit lie in this morning. Most enjoyable. Mind you, I didn't get to sleep until about 0130. Gong down to the canal sometime today. Mainly to see what's going on. I'll by some things in...
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Sunday. (I checked :o}) All calm and peaceful outside, I hope it stays that way! Nothing much to do today, just collect the paper, so it's watch the tennis. Or something recorded. Roll on summer!...
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Friday. The weekend beckons again. All I've got to do is collect the paper and annoy a few shopkeepers. Time to think about Xmas cards etc. too. Tempus Fugit. Have a happy day everyone....
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Friday. The weekend beckons again. Has anyone got any plans for the weekend? I haven't, at the moment anyway. But the day is young. Not much to do today either, so it's feet up and watch the idiot...
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Thursday. All quiet outside, could be a decent day. I won't expect tropical sunshine though! A bit of running around to do, should be done by about 1100. I can cope with that! Have a happy day...
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Wednesday. I've had some fun (not) getting on here this morning. I started at 0355. Electronic shenanigans. I nearly gave up to go back to bed! Still, here now. Still dark but dry outside, Looks good...
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Tuesday. Not looked out yet, so no idea what's what. A busy day yesterday, so short on energy today. Still, The only thing on is meter readings, collect the paper, no shoplifting to do, one phone call...
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Sunday. Not a wink of sleep did I get. I'll be like a zombie in an hour or so. [i]Yeah. All right. I know![i] A kip on the recliner later methinks. It's been raining non stop all night. I don't see it...
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Saturday. A bit late for me this morning. I did have a very good night's sleep so I'm not complaining. A busy day ahead, so it's as well I had a good night! :o}...
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Friday. All calm outside, just a very gentle breeze. If it stays like that all day I'll be happy enough! Nothing to do except collect the paper, no shoplifting needed...I think! Which usually means...
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Thursday. All is calm outside, but dark, not a star in sight. I hope it stays dry. Warm would be nice too! Nothing urgent on the calendar, a couple of odd jobs that might get done. So it's collect the...
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Wednesday. The second effort, the laptop shut itself down while I was typing. how very rude! It's got a habit of doing that. Nothing on the calendar for today but that doesn't mean much. Just the...
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Tuesday. We've had some rain, but it's stopped now, for a while anyway! I can clean the rust off :o} I hope it stays dry I've got some shoplifting to do. After that no idea. A couple of phone calls to...
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No parade yesterday due to torrential rain. But I did pay homage to my brother and his friends murdered in Aden in the 1960's And three friends murdered in Northern Ireland in the 1970's. I'll never...
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Good morning everyone. Nearly afternoon now isn't it! I've just had the longest and best night's sleep in many years. Every night like that would be good! However I doubt it. Anyway, on with the...
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Saturday. Not looked out yet but it seems calm enough. I'll find out shortly! Not sure what's on for today, I'll find out all in good time. Sleep seemed to be in half hour units, still, I got some!...
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Thursday. The sky is clear and lots of stars and planets shining. Hopefully a nice day on it's way, hopefully warmer than yesterday. Nothing planned for today, at the moment.. fine by me, I woke up...
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Wednesday. A clear sky with lots of stars and planets on display. Hopefully a nice day on the way. I hope so anyway! Have a happy day everyone....
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Tuesday. Just had a look out, it's raining. How unusual! Boat gear again when I go out then! Nothing to report this morning. A quiet, but enjoyable day yesterday. I hope today is as nice. Nothing on...
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Monday. Second attempt to post. The first one disappeared for some reason best known to itself. It's blowing an 'ooligan here, it kept me awake most of the night. I won't be out for long this morning,...

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