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Can anyone advise me on 22 ac? - 'A summons opened by prosecutor, which should come up with the goods' (4) I have ?s?a and  the answer I got is Asda (opening of 'a summons' and DA for prosecutor).... ...
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68dn "Trump's behind enforcing secret state sources review" can anyone help pls? I have ???e?? Is it assess? Thx  
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7dn Cyclops - I have D?M?T but i'm not sure the D is right. I have 'big dip' for 5 ac. Can anyone help? 
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Plan D to get into cryptic clues, eh? S???D?l? Trumps unlikely to be seen as this guy from the US? S???????n
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24 down 'swindler makes Sun pay attention' (5) Can anyone help with this? I have ?h?r? and can only think 'sharp'. Any ideas please?  '
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cyclops 787 As usual, I need help to finish this. most grateful for anoyone's help. 23 ac - 'Old man, source of unlikely tips for Trump types' I have ??p???s?s. Also, 23 dn - ??a?? 'son needs taking... ...
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23ac fellow with one ball, right erotic performer (9) I have ??n?a?c?r  Can anyone help pls? I also need 22dn Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6) to give me the first letter... ...
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7 dn It's not tender, filthy lucre today, on vacation. (7) I have ?r?e?t? but no idea. Grateful for any help! 27 dn Panic causes fellow to cover genital area (4) I have F?a? Can it be fear? 
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9a Wot! Toryright shortly on rampage? Never mind: ??u ?? ?o??? 10/11a Attempt by his minister to win money from Rishi's doomed venture?: ?l???e ?m???
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Can anyone help me with 13ac and 3dn? For 13 ac (Recoil at terrorists having drink (5)) i have L?T?? And for 3 dn (Treasury head gets sack for fiddle (6)) i have ?R?F??  Any help gratefully... ...
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Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!

8a On the craft of undoing bra ('Nothing in it!')
during a date (6) : A?O?R?    ( ABOARD )
27a... ...
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Can anyone help me with 11 across ' difficult part of golf course said like pubic hair? I have T - F - - Thanks in advance
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Girl's brief victory against love - round of applause! 5 letters and I have U?O?O though I'm not sure of them. Can anyone help me? I can't get it and it's the last one. Thanks very much
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11ac Bass *** about (4) I have - - e - Any suggestions? 'Deep'? (Peed backwards?) Also 25 ac extreme left-winger with tense balls (4) I have - r - - Any help gratefully received. Thanks Alison...
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26/7 down Kickback taken by a Democrat? Deplorable (3, 3) I have - - o and b - - Could it be too bad? Any help welcome. Thanks....
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23 AC It's the sick clowning, least tasteful (10) I'm stuck. I think I have letters - I - s - h - e - t Can anyone help me wth this pls? Tia...
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19dn "hell might be appalling" I have d - - - a - Any ideas anyone? Thx in advance...
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privateye cyclops crossword 737 28 ac - can anyone help with answer to "Saudi aristocratic holding John Major, Private Eye style" i have d-a-i-t which cld be dualist or diarist but i cant see why....
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answer to 3ac 'King George, say - different when topless matey (10) i have R as second letter but am stumped. Can anyone help...

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