14a, following commercial, trio turned out to be skilful[6] a?r??? 21a, bleak german on edge [4] g??? 23a,american youth leader with a broken knee [6] y?n??? 15d,visualise one rich source containing...
1a accomplish spirit by sleeping [6] ?o?i?g 5a gloss produces poor results [6] l?s??? 7d stop worrying king to go round city [5] ??l?x 23a is a lie contrived to keep in contact [6] l???s? 19d help up...
12a, dope cooked oat pie [ 6] ?p???e 16a, it's a mixed drink [4] ?s?? 18a, forsaken, dose turn tardy [8] d?s???t? 21, we four return with an opinion [4] 13d,a paper under discussion [2,5] 19d,...
91a, make a ???? ??? of, mess up [4,3] ???s ?a?
75d, immoral and unpleasant [6] s?s???
81d, flying defence service [inits] [3] r?m
thanks in advance...