puzzle 2 follow it.puzzle5 sudoku.win wqithout finishing. 1dcomplains(7)5dpermanent,persistent(8)11dwest indian folk song(7)12asite of your comingf into the world(10)15a according to this...
win without winning puzzle 9 7a to tout for (7) ?i?i??? 9a far from deep(7) ?t?l??? 12a Freshwater fish (5,5) ?p?w ??o?? 15a Programme viewing system (5,!0)?a?l? television 18a unsettling and...
win without winning
12a murder mysteries (10)
18a lingering worry (7)
23a lose youthful viigour (2,2,4)
13d firmly fixed(4,6)
also crack it puzzle please made a mess of it...
win without winning stuck with
17d health and comfort (7)
23d modern form of thy(4)
21a thoroughly soaking(8)
22a please go before me (5,3)
26a layer of coal(4)...