Hi Folks
Does anyone send in the Sunday Times Crosswords by email?
Do you have to be a member of their Crossword Club?
What format do you send it in?
Any advice appreciated.
We have a brick/timber frame house that is showing lots of signs of wear. We are considering rendering the whole of the outside and have set about getting quotes but know nothing about which is the...
21(A) Irishman's cunning is constant blether CRA _ _ IT 22(D) Indian bowled one pretty well hard, I ducked under _ I _ ARI They are connected but I can't find anything that works for both. Any help...
29d Note income support racket as before (4) ?TIS
Is it ITIS? If so why?
It is the last letter needed to finish - must have used up all available brain!...
26d Petit bourgeois with bottle who may shoot grouse (6) P-OTE- Please explain wordplay, this is the last one and driving me mad, it looks like pooter but I don't know why. Thank you
Think I need just the one letter, unless other answers incorrect! 17d Call about scrap in lively party (7) ?ORT?NG Think it must be ?ORTING but what and WHY? Thank you Kayakamina in advance if it is...
Is 3d Dinginess, anagram of ISS ending? International Space Station in lugubrious ending(9) If it is finding it difficult to find across clues to confirm especially 15a No longer save a short time,...
Need a help this week getting started, busy watching Camrose match on Bridgebase so finding it hard to concentrate. Also AB had emailed me to say I hadn't been using the site lately but I have been...
Having problems with top left hand corner. A couple needed to break the deadlock! 1 Down Walk awkwardly having celebrated after stretch over (7) SP_ _ _ E _ 15 Across Evasive about faceless Al Gore,...