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Stumped and stressed out. 16d Mutton for example goes off. It's the insects. Is it mealybugs? And if not, what the Abaddon is it?
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1d. toast with port. - - - N - - - -. 12a. so virtue good for this sailor. - - - - - D. 22d. bones a capital that of finland dug up. F - M - R. 15a. (22a, 17d) admitted to even one mistake on the...
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last one??really (and then i won't bother you again until i try next week's): 7dn blue grass finally cut (4_) SA _ E sade? but i don't know why apart from 'blue' being 'sad'. or could it be 'saxe' -...
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when soldiers carried arms 4 small domestic creartures climbing these 4
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1a Forces to go abroad, initially with Italian noble. (8) ?A?????A
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Can anyone help with these please ? 1. All over the country on Sundays ? 2. Partners and exact opposites ? 3. Could fit into a Dicken's story ? 4. He'd have a ball in Aug or Sept ? 5. Should his music...
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q160 minutes for juveniles(9+4)q2did this film hit miras sales(6)q3tw3(4+3+3+4+4+3)q4found on mink otters and water voles(5+2+3+9)thanks for any help
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Old Gits
Reappearance of old 8 (blood relation is the answer to 8)to do with little 25 (not got the answer to 25) 25 is Drunkards should they be converted don't talk (4 letters).
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25 Across: Drunkards should they be converted don't talk F-S-
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Sunday Times Crossword 4310 3 D Big in Transpor, in a roundly expansive way (8) C_N_E_L_ ?
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and my last one - might have a letter wrong somewhere. 29a - Many tied badly in debt given improved balance (8)
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Last letter needed with wordplay please. 28d Wrong day for washing down with booze (4) ?ind
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1 1 bird with a cowl (5,4) 2 evil imp (3,6,5 ) 3 rotund two of a kind (7,3,3,7,3) 4 lift up a car with deranged bleak ants(4,3,3,9) 5 put dumpty myth to another use(6,6)
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26 D Get around with transport in a blower (7) O???I?A OCARINA is poss.but why? 31 A More than one such may come to your door with 30 across (CAROL) and hang aroind there (4) ???T
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Last one left. Clue is: "A navy area expelled Albanian" (7) A-N-O-T
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Boy George's dreams were *, * and * !
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Need help with bottom right hand corner! 19d Brahms and Liszt choice indicator (7) pi??l??
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Just have few more 9 M P for H P is the C C in L 3 H in a B B 4 S in V C The R of the E is 6370 k Thankyou for helping Jane
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No 25. 61 would be invisible with change of heart. I have IN_E_R_D. 8 letters. Wondered if it could be interred but not sure why. Thanks
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Only one London Underground station has no letter in common with the word 'mackerel'. Which is it?

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