14dn. Sounds like May’s had a word in the ear of Sen. Warren - and every other senator, too. (9) L?B?????? 21dn. Where the heart is, reading begins of one of the great classic poets. (5) ????? 20ac....
19D Hear report about one needed for winter sports while lying soaking up the sun (8). B _ S _ I _ G. Answer is clearly BASKING (SKI in BANG). But why does "hear report" equate to "bang", please?...
1D Contrasts how MP's house, rejecting Malta's capital, embrace French one. (11) C _ _ _ A _ _ _ O _ S (comparisons) 8A In such difficult situations, predicts departure will bring prayers to an end....
22a Puts inventor on the team and so reduces unemployment ( 4 4) ??D? JOBS 7d Expresses pleasent surprize that this is the hem of her fancy nightie ( 3) E?G 19d Nice little meal for a...
24A When writing, Japanese characters sit at strange place in altered state. (10)
_ A _ I _ I _ T _ N
Tajikistan is all I can think of that fits but I can't justify it.
Many thanks as usual....
8A Compatriots' contribution to Pavariotti, Carreras and Domingo. Or the police. (4)
_ R _ O
Is it just TRIO? Why police? - three member of the band?
20D Thor Heyerdahl added a foot to his boat - and it became Kon-Tiki! (4) _ _ F T Think it has to be RAFT but where does RA come from? 19A Paris, millennia ago, or faraway city after 1939-45 event,...