For your chance to win the ultimate gadget package, can you crack this code? UVSJOH ETCEMGF WKH IRMKQE HTIJ HINT: The first letter is ‘T’ with each line being a separate word. Tell us the answer...
As you may or may not Francis Dunnery was the founding member of the 80s Progressive Rock Band "It Bites" who were formed in Cumbria ,he is releasing his new Album and Touring the UK starting this...
16 across .... photograph clue A bald man check shirt 6,8 A D ? I ? N / ? H ? R ? O ? D ..... it does spell adrian thorogood though i cant find anyone with that name with a google search that as any...
Wyatt from compered on the main stage of which festival this summer?
A: Download
B: Steelhouse
C: Sonisphere
D: Black Sabbath at Hyde Park...
I grew up in a tough area. When I was a kid, people used to cover me in chocolate and cream, then put a cherry on my head. Life was tough in the Gateau.
A Geordie is prowling around the red light district in Newcastle and finds a prostitute. He drops his pants and the lass says "my, that's a gud un". He says, "what's a gud un?" She replies, "it means...
I have just been watching BBC News channel around 1.30 in the morning on it was a female presenter ,she stated her name but said it so fast I could not catch it Danielle ( bridge,ridge,drink or...
take a break spring 3 2013 21 Words - 10 pairs - 1 left over is the answer status - quo ad - hoc bona - fide terra- firma vox- mortem post- populi vice- versa non- ego is what ive guessed left over...
I bought Prize puzzles ISSUE 12 and I struggle with all of the puzzles Could not find any answers for page 7 ... page23 page27 page39 page43 the rest I have managed to get through ..can anyone please...