Who sung this song and whats the title? Hold me baby drive me crazy touch me baby all nite long make me love u, kiss and hug u touch me baby all nite long
Does any kind soul know where i might be able to get a download of the soundtrack to the opening of Pathe News that used to be played in cinemas years ago ?
Many years ago there was a very popular advert on TV featuring a bloke in a pub saying *Ive never known a night like it, & I'm not looking forward to yhe journey home* the joke was he was in a rowing...
trying to find a soul song that has the line 'This man is suffering from an overdose of joy,lucky feller. Sounded a bit like a Marvin Gaye tune tried a few searches but no luck any ideas
can anyone tell me what the moody saxaphone led piece of music was that was used 2 or 3 times during last nights programme sounded more like a blues track than motown
Some years ago there was a TV advert with a bloke sitting in a pub in wet weather gear who said * Iv'e never known a night like it and I'm not looking forward to the journey home !! * then as the...
the scene i remember has a woman being visited by a creepy old man standing on the front porch dressed like a mormon . i think it was an 80s horror film sure it was not amityville or poltergeist any...
There is a piece of music being used quite alot lately, on the bbc and also on the xfactor i think, i last heard it on football focus today, its a piano piece, quite dramatic,and i think it is also in...