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to post a question without legseleven having a go!
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i want to become 105 lbs by the time i go back to school in 1 month. how can i lose 30lbs in 1 month? idk if it is not healthy. anything will do. will any of the following diets work: 1) water detox...
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Justice for Leggy ???? Bb xx
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AB Editor
Hello all. It's always the same, a rush of everything on a friday afternoon! Weekend plans?
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AB Editor
It seems as soon as I pop off to lunch or for a meeting everything gets a bit messy on here. I hope you are all well. Hopefully this afternoon myself and the Big Ed will be doing a Q&A - this is still...
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Well it's not really it's just that I feel I daren't type anything dodgy 'cos I'm being watched. It's actually made me feel like a naughty schoolboy......but I can't find one........
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WAHHHHHHHAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like the ed seen some sense after klownshoe made himself look stupid several times in front of him ! Best behaviour now,knobbys txt'd me and he's banned but hopefull also...
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Ive been trawling through and noticed that troll appearances have gone down 80% and all the usual arguments ,abuse and other unsavory conversations have disapeared ! looks like the folk that have...
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SUPPORT THE TENIFERE 1 - - - NOW! All those in favour of letting Legend back on to the site, Then have the Guts to post here now! Maybe Spare Ed will reconsider Legends RIGHTs when he signs in @ 8.30...
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I hope we are well. It looks like it got slightly messy last night. Any injuries? I am a bit busy today so I will only be on here and there. Spare Ed P.S. For those of you who are slandering my good...
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Only meeeee. Well thank you for the welcome so far and I have been reading over some of the posts on here today and it looks like I have joined at just the right moment by what this poster? said...
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What do you know about black pudding, do they sell it by weight, or so much an inch
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I'm new on here and I would like to say a big hi to you all and whats a crakkkkkklarsing on here. I have been following all you on here just looking on for a few months now and I have finally...
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thank you ed,for legs and knobbys internet deaths,i will be dancing on their graves tonight,and thank all of you wierd jumble sale going bagladys that protect leggy like he's your wierdo retarded fat...
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What do you think? Yes? No? Lets have your views.
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AB Editor
How is the site holding up tonight, any trouble at all? I hope you are all well. Sorry about the twitter experiment earlier - it didn't really work did it? All the best, Spare Ed
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now. lol,lol
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Now here is a very strange one for you all. As most of you know, noway got caught out on here at the weekend signing in on one of his other names and abusing people and he was banged to rights and...

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