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My girlfriend heard this in Asda, can't think who it is... Maybe by Bon Jovi, or at least that kind of band... Annoying us both cos she can't even hum the tune! Phrase may be "I think you're amazing"
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I read ages, and I mean ages ago about Commando Wars, made by possibly Ubisoft... Definitely a French developer anyway... It was an isometric view, and you controlled the lead soldier, and the others...
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I have just seen Rendition, and noticed Floella Benjamin is on the credits as CIA staffer... I can't remember when she would have appeared... Does anyone know what her character does in the film?
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I was coming north along the A1 (I don't know the area) north of Highgate, London, and was getting ready to turn right to carry on following the A1. I went through the lights and pulled up to the car...
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Is it possible to use my mobile phone as a webcam? I plug my mobile into a USB port, and can access the memory stick, but doesn't recognise it as a camera...
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Why can't I find the woman of my dreams? Am I too nice?
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Does anyone know of a road in scotland where the perspective makes it look like the water is flowing uphill?
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What are the longest, heaviest and tallest ships?
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Not really... but in theory would it be possible to set up a 'bank' abroad and email a UK bank to increase the amount in an account? After all, no money changes hands; one balance figure decreases and...
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How does a long play video work? It is possible to play a LP recorded programme on a normal video but sometimes the quality is affected. But then surely this proves that the tape runs at the same...
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I am looking to change my car in the next 3 months or so. I would be interested to hear from anyone who owns either of the cars mentioned above with regards to how reliable they have been; mpg etc.....
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My dsl connection goes down every few mins but does not cut me off. When it comes back I can carry on. But it is v annoying!! If my pc is on but not logged on I can get a permanent dsl connection. Any...
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i am doing the london marathon on sunday, and while i am looking forward to it i am feeling a little anxious and therefore a little nauseous... this is not great for my energy levels!! can anyone...

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