I'm stuck on two: 5d Piece of crisp in a lesion of the back (6) ???N?L 8a A foreign film, complete pound off, failing to oblige (9) ?N?E???U? If it's ANGELIQUE I don't see why. If it is, the second...
Help appreciated on the following: 11a Radio presenter with members of a group (4,6) E???/F?R?E? 16a Over inch out on British Airways (7) ?R?N?H? 3d Raise endurance, changing direction at first, to...
I'm struggling with the bottom left of the grid:
20a Bitter rivalry makes for noisy pub brawl (10) ?????H???G
23a Poet with same silly competitors (9) ?????I???...
I'm stuck on 6d Race fans get shelter (3,2,5) T?E/?T/?E???
and 18a Spot on lad's back removed from below disc (8) U?E?????
The last letter of 6d is the fifth in 18a...
Now I find that I can't solve 21a Tea dance only half completed (3) ??A
or 21d Egg on toast (5) ??E?R The first letters of the two answers are the same. Help appreciated....
Clue of the week
'Where birds in Hampshire might fly repeatedly? (4,3,5, first letter O)
Answer looks like 'over And/over' i.e. 4,3,4. What do others think?...
I'm stumped by two clues: 15a Medical drama with spikes (7) ?O???R? 2d Ski-suit for Shropshire ladies? (10) ?A?O?E???S If the answer is BARONESSES, I don't see why. If it is, the fourth letter of 15a...
Two clues puzzle me: 2d No transit planned for US rail (5,2,2) S?A??/?N/?N 11a By the sound of it, exquisite dress at Covent Garden (4) T??? The third letter of 11a is the last of the first word in...
I'm struggling with the bottom left of the grid. Solutions to these across clues should enable me to get the intersecting down clues: 24a Some piercing sitars remixed for African-American performances...
I'm stuck at the top left and bottom right of the grid: 1d Shoot a wading bird (5) ?N??? 10a First one pudgy, actually losing a stone (4) ???L 19d Has finished shape for cake (5) ???N? 22a Gunner's...
Help with these across clues would be appreciated; then I should be able to solve the intersecting down clues: 18a Comedian's gem but Jimmy gets excessive (6,7) ?A?P??/?A?R?T? 23a Hound is in itself...
I've completed this crossword but I can't get the extra Clue of the Week, which is from a recent FT Dante puzzle: Just a few words will be fine (8) first letter S
Late at night I'm stuck on quite a few, but answers to the following across clues should help me to complete: 13a It's backed in hard-bitten academy? No longer (4) ?A?E 18a Harmonise with feature in...