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Can anyone tell me where to look in scripture that specifically mentions the Trinity ? Not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.. Could there be a reference to three Gods in one. Or somewhere the disciples...
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I cannot find a catagory to ask this question in, so here goes. Can anyone tell me where to look in scripture that specifically mentions the Trinty. Not the Father, Son And Holy Spirit. Thank you
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i am getting sentenced for Affray -i used or threatened violence towards other persons and your conduct was such as to cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for hios...
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Hi, I was arrested yesterday and charged with assaulting a PC. I was on Southsea Common and had been drinking and was following the Portsmouth team bus, an officer told me to get back from the bus. I...
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i am 19 and my partner is 23 we have been together for 3 years and lived together for 2 years he is in the navy and i have no interests in a carear. last year we had a miscarage n it broke my heart...
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right i wouldn't like honest answers here do you think some one who is a single mum is best to get in a relationship with a man who has children and knows the ropes etc or does it not matter
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seen a ghost?
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sorry to interrupt you, but you seem to be the guys i can share this with....need to stop drinking, its ruining my life,...........any ideas, apart from the obvious
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die younger than the general population? Elvis? buddy holly? marc bolan? michael hutchins? the list is endless... Is rock n roll the devils music or is it the nature of the drugs n rock n...
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If you and your neighbour were both single and you liked them would you do anything about it or would you steer clear in case anything went wrong and you still had to live next door to them. I fancy...
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Has there ever been any concrete evidence ( apart from teachings of various prophets/Christ etc.) that an afterlife/rebirth exists ? And if not - why do billions believe in one?
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envision your death? Peronaly, I think that I will die of a heart attack (I drink too much and I eat all the wrong foods). I dont participate in any dangerous sports and dont do anything that will...
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I am compiling a quiz and looking for song titles that contain a physical activity - eg: These Boots Were Made for Walking - can anyone think of any others? Thanks folks!
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Hi all I've noticed that some Catholics when going up to get communion don't always drink the wine but they do eat the bread, why is that?
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Someone has given me a ''Dictionary of Myths'' There is NO entry for Jesus. Is this discrimination against Christianity,one of our Major myths ?
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There is a God,he likes to make buildings collapse on little innocent school children, he likes to drown thousands at a time for his amusement, kill at will and indiscrimantley...But if your a...
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We are now in the zodiac of Taurus the bull. Do you think people born under that birthsign live up to their description of being stubborn and pig-headed? Also what about the other star signs.
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Mani Hussain
An atheist was walking through the woods one day in Alaska admiring all that evolution had created. "What majestic trees ! What a powerful river ! What beautiful animals!" he said to himself. As he...
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My husband and I have split in January,he left me and the children,there are many matters to the divorce which many of you have already given answers and support to.My next problem is his attitude to...

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