Its interesting how you all quote the bible and see yourself as christians and followers of it message.Yet each one of you would not see each other as christians. Pugwashjw, as a jehovahs witness,...
My partner has just been watching Flatliners. Unfortuanatly she has missed the end (where Kiefer Sutherland flatlines again to try and make ammends with Billy Malloney). Can anyone tell us the end?...
The biblical definition is that you will spend eternaty telling god how wonderfull he is and singing praises to him (because he might be a tadge insecure?). But leaving all that religious cr@p aside,...
Do they work? Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Paul Mckenna, Dr Phil, John Gray.Books on self hypnosis, nlp, self actualization etc. Are the only people benefitting from these books the authors...
OK.. What is the meaning of life? As an atheist I contend that life has no meaning whatsoever.It just is. No doubt our religious friends here would see that as extremly sad (cough...Theland...cough)....
Anybody had any success in giving up smoking with acupuncture. I recently had acupuncture for it, however I cant help thinking that its all a bit of a con.It was advertised that one session was all it...
You say that the bible is the innerant word of God and without contradiction so it should be a simple matter to answer a few questions for me.I ask you a question and you look up the appropriate bible...