stuck on last two ,10) take in text and choose to take one on again r?a?o?t, 14a) some pens you brought back being markers in the main b?o?s thanks for any help xxxx
this is my first go at this one and it will be my last! i need 5d ???s leaves penny left for a long time, 9a a???t philosophical dread gang stoically admits, 13a a?y spirited reversal of motor on an...
need help with last two and hidden tv programme 5d college film showing ?t?n , is it eton? and 19d. young moon ?r?o?. the letters for the tv prog are ellpeopto and o if its eton, thanks for any help
1. Where is the Scottish Soccer team 'St. Johnson' based? 2. What is the link word ( Park, Card, Funny) ? 3. What plant do you associate with Eire? 4. What total do you get if you add the following:...