Well, this week ain't no pushover, just about done half :( Novelist reviewing The Role of the Superego (4-9) _ _ L _ / C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We thought it may be SELF CONSCIOUS but it doesn't work. PS...
Last one. 'Unopposed vacuous tycoon' describes president squandering billions (2,1,3)
_ O , _ , M _ N. We don't get what the phrase is, DO A MAN, GO A MAN, SO, TO etc TIA :)...
This is the 2nd week xword is difficult - not having much joy today:(
Only got 3 and been at for over an hour. In valley, Ezekiel and others pray, continue (2,4) TIA :)...
Party politician, with nothing certain, showing unease (12)
_ I _ O _ M _ _ _ U _ _. I can't even get a word that fits, so may have gone wrong somewhere.
TIA :)...