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Scotsman, tipsy, riding moon vehicle (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ E _ . Can't get TRH corner :( TIA :)...
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Last one:) Apportion old rule encountering demonstrator and streakers (6,6) _ E _ E _ R / _ H _ W _ R. "SHOWER" may be 2nd word??? TIA :)...
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Everyman engaged in second clarifying remark in tweets (4) P _ P _ . Lots of words to fit, but can't parse. TIA :)
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Last 2. Model dun is toy (6) T _ I _ O _ . Where paw-print cusions may be found: one of them might cause upset? (11) _ N _ E _ D _ N _ . TIA & a happy new year to all :)...
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Gull puree (4) _ _ _ L. NB: there is an accent on the first 'E' TIA :)
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Rowling initially overwhelmed by Potter: she writes adult novels (7) D _ A _ B _ E. TIA :)
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Last one :) Time to study Scott, perhaps - lecturer's wanting to hold back (5,5) _ R _ A _ / WATER TREAD WATER? Please parse. TIA :)...
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Last one :) More sickly, kind of green, perhaps slalomer's heading off. (7) P _ A _ I _ R. TIA :)...
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Almost done. Arranagement of elements: potassium, nickel, iron and silver in part (5,5) _ S _ L _ / KNIFE. Can't get the "silver" part of the clue. TIA :)...
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Dramatist not beginning his work, "Give Amd Take" (9) I _ I _ R _ _ _ Y. Can't even think of a work or name that fits. TIA :)...
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Last one, take 2. What you may get when boxed salad accomodates a little ethical principle (6,3) Thought it was "HOODED LIE" = H _ O _ E _ / L _ W. Somthing LAW? TIA :)...
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Last one. Dishes sent back: long time, wait with only sides cleared off (9) _ E _ F _ E _ R _. There may be an error with the letters, as we can't get a word to fit :( TIA :)
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And the last one ... 'How do you spell "shy"? That's pretty light stuff (6) S _ A _ D _ . TIA :)...
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Almost there. What moon reveals after autumn in Oregon Trail (4,6) _ A _ L / _ E _ I _ _ . FALL something? TIA :)...
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Well, good luck with this week's xword. Some right poxy clues, not to mention the misspelled anagram :)
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Last one. Does roast with beef, batter and timing advice for chef? (4-6, 4) - E - T - _ E _ O _ E / _ A _ E . TIA :)...
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They're seen with soldiers, say, getting George Cross: happy times (7) _ _ G _ U _ S. TIA :)
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No pushover this week :( A queen's wavy patterns in wardrobes (8) _ R _ _ _ R _ T. We can only get 3 words to fit, and none make sense with the clue. TIA :)
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Where those who are harmless are said to have no weapons? (4,6) EAST LONDON? Please parse. TIA :)
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Last one. I'm excited, finally: Alfred Russell Wallace to attempt charm (7) W _ E _ D _ E. TIA:) The 'D' may be an 'A' = either 'SUDSIER'or 'SOAPIER' or, completely wrong. Cheers :)

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