I was restrained the other day but after my visit to the gym tonight i can honestly that 90% of females in essex have major attitude problems. This stupid cow tonight stuck her fingers up at me...
Can we have a sub-music section dedicated solely to the workings of David Bowie and The Beach Boys. To have me monitoring it will be the equivelent of having Judge Judy on Law or Barry Norman on Films...
To cheer all my enemies up, some stupid old woman has just crashed in to my new car. Ha bloody ha. I have no question, just want to pass on some anger as I couldn't punch her due to her being...
i post an honest question about my bird being fat and turning me off and people are jumping on the bandwagon which makes me think that they too are insecure needy fat birds. why do women let...
I have been with my girl for a while now, she has put a fair bit of weight on over the past few months and i am beginning to look at other, better looking girls. my missus has really let herself go...
Does anyone know how i can make the peshwary stuff that goes on the naan bread or if it comes in jar/ paste form? How much is it and where can I get it? I already tried Asian stores but they didn't...
Why do we get constantly slated for watching things like BB and X fator? For me its just harmless fun. People often comment programmes like this are for brainless idiots. Im certainly not brainless,...
why is it that even the simplest of questions posted on here can get into arguments with rival Ab'ers....... in the beginning when i found this site, it was great, you wanted a question answered and 9...
As it it almost family related, could it be the new Genealogy sub-section, or at least the Christmas section....................?????? P.S. never been in here, avoided BB like the plague.
does anyone else agree with me that the cartoon coconuts before and after the ad breaks have the most talent and are the most entertaining part of this programme?? lol ;)
it is really really hurting me and the hospital say can't do anything but rest and take painkillers, in the short term would a voddy and coke dull the agony?