badly in need of help so all you brainboxes - that includes Lie-in- King if hes talking to me as hes not been answering my questions in the last couple of weeks!!!! 3d power emitted as protons/nun i...
im really stuck on this so could anyone please help. 1a eccentric, big, raced to get budgie, eg 4,4 ???? BIRD (?) 5a graduate, initially zealous, with a royal going round a fair ?A?A?R 23a a bar used...
help please on 2-
1d people from kirkwall and stromness for example ?R?A?I?N?
24a italian racing driver FI runner up 1992, beaten by mansell 8,7 ?I?C?R??/?A?R?S...
Stuck on one question at moment
24a departing hastily 7,1,7 (leaving, a girl can string tears out) B?A?ING?/A/RETREAT.
Can you explain the cryptic please....
im really stuck this week on loads but for starters can anyone please help with 9a sum,6 11a daughter of poseidon (ive searched everywhere for this answer) I???Y?D?S (ive put 1d as stupId me) 13a...
am i the only one having problems with this puzzle?
9a bust 3,2,10 OUT/??/???M?S?ION
10a having the end removed T?U????ED
3d wanting D?????N?T
4d wore S?????S (thats if 12a is tidingS...
Hi everyone! help needed please on 7d 17th century english baroque composer, 5,7 H?N?Y//?U??E?L 20a mediteranean plan with finely divided leaves, white or pink flowers and aromatic seeds - is it LUPIN...
can anyone tell me the answer, including first and second names of the famous person in Now 4something different. Ive got stallone as surname but cant work out anything else
as no-one else has asked for help with sir lancelot puzzle i must be the only thick one!! 20a easily influenced ??G?E?TB?E - all i can think of is regrettable. can you explain the cryptic as well 16d...
iv looked thru 6 pages to see if anyone else has got stuck with this clue but no...just me 14d good description of pinkie's mood in brighton rock ?O??C??A?