8d Wild savage drowned, or Lucy's lover who died in an improbable way (5, 10)
E?G?R ???E?S???D
24a Present 17 points to a Nabokov novel (6) ?D?P??
Finding this heavy going this week. Many thanks....
Stuck on two in bottom right corner: 20d To her friends, Renard is pleasant without touches of old languor (6) ?I?O?? 28a Scottish poet is flipping grafter mostly, head of Ladybird admitted (6) ??L?O?...
5d Determined intention to pursue boat on the Thames, in famous words from Dickens (6,2,6) B?R?I? I? W?L??? 25a I'm Irish wit, spelt differently in Spenser's work (6,2,2,5) ??I?S? I? ?? ??I?E 3d...
1a Novel for the first of April? (1,3,2,6) A ?A? I? S?R?N? 22d Woman with famous uncle put away by police finally (5) S?O?E Thanks for help, my brain has joined the lockdown.
11a Sickness in Vermont and Maine infected America (6) ?N???A 13a Ducks landed in little corner of rock (7) ?OSIT?? Many thanks any help (then i might be able to work out some of the anagrams).
9a Sophisticated creature upset over Voltaire's end (7) A???N?D 5d How the council might describe Dent is nimble, one article is admitted (7) D???A?T (The clues intersect with a common third light)....
2d An ancient fool, often found on the Bench (3,4) T?E ?I?E 16a I cringe before a princess represented in Shakespeare (6) ?A?N?A Help much appreciated.