Two left 17a Prophet introduces himself,having to speak better(10) A?E?Y?R?T? 23d Highlander,sickly,seen tottering around(8) T?P?L?S? Think the letters are correct,any help much appreciated as ever....
30a Birds of prey from high part of Ulster(8) B???A?D?
31d Spot girl's musical instrument(6) ??T?E?
I'm thinking BUZZARDS and ZITHER but can't see why.Any help as always much appreciated....
Last two 32d Controls shares-doesn't make the grade?(7) P?O?G?S 48d Author including unknown flower-girl in dramatic work(5) E?I?A I'm thinking PLOUGHS and ELIZA but can't see why.Any assistance much...
1d I'm a star that's changed in style , fascinating fans(11) C?R?I?M?T?? 28a Greed,for example,in company that offers better risks(6) ??S?N? 3d Remove head of skunk or related animal(5) O?I?R Any help...
Really struggling this week 4a Detective story initially hectic's a bit slow to develop(3,4,3) ???/L?S?/??? 5d Cricket team afraid night-watchman will hold them up(5) ??D?? 9d Wingers from Spurs...
33d Americans from Senate catch up with Irishmen(11) T???E?S?A?? 31d Eleven witches on trial in case of celebrity appeal(8,4) ??V???R?/C??? 1d After record breaking poem with correct form of...
Last two
30a Good Indian yoghurt dishes involving very serious quality(8) G???I?A?
31d Intuition a section of orchestra has been halved(6) ??E?C?
Any help gratefully received as always....
42a Twin sons importing jazz instruments from Cremona(6) ?T?A?S
44a A liberal in another country(6) ?B?O?R
Just can't see either and any help greatly appreciated as usual...
27d Boisterous girl's character ultimately failing to secure promotion(7) L?D???E 37a In place of chaos and upheaval,find stone by brook(4,3) B?A?/P?? Any help/explanation much appreciated as always....
7a Man who is wise coming out with a Latin phrase(4,7) H?M?S?P?E?? 12d Twist sideways,getting killed(4) ??E? I think the answers are Homo Sapiens and possibly Skew but can't see why. Any help as...
50d Avuncular story-teller raised in old region of Mesopotamia(5) S?M??
6a Marginally better after neat drink(6,4) ??R?C?/??E?
As always any help much appreciated...