My heart sank when I saw the length of the preamble, but simply followed the straightforward instructions and the grid came together nicely. Quotation and play identified, now it's just a case of...
A nice easy start to the New Year, encouraging me to start entering again. If there are people reading this who haven't tried the Listener yet, here's a good place to start - fair clues that take a...
PDM at last! Having huffed and puffed, suddenly it dawned on me what it was all about. Of course, haven't actually finished it yet but wanted to get in early as never started this thread before....
So, no Friday finishes on this one. Me neither: perhaps I really am slipping. I'm really struggling to get enthused about this: it looks like a lot of cold solving and then a letters jigsaw. I don't...
Anyone else enjoying Schadenfreude's latest in the Cambridge Alumni Magazine? I've got a full and am waiting for the penny to drop on the theme, but not looking for hints (Listener rules please) -...
10ac. initially deafening din Roger created with boldness (7-2) ??R?I?G ?O 18ac. what a man is on when not crossing (5) E???? 10d. figured in a treatment for heart disease (9) ??U?T???R 16d. a man...
I have been staring at a complete grid for half an hour now and I must be missing the obvious. This was an extremely easy grid fill. I was expecting a tougher challenge with double clues and clashes....
hi! everyone ,,,gone wrong somewhere in this one ,,,these two clues are part of each others answers.....3 d ,,,11 letters,,,clue ..small red fruits _ r _ n_ e _ _ _ e _ ......23 a ,,6 letters ... _ c...
Not much here to cause any grief this week, I think. Not too high on the difficulty scale, but enjoyable anyway. Now I have no excuses for the afternoon and will be forced to finally clean out my...